Jails and Jailers

Arrest-related deaths, coroner investigation

Cell phones, possession in jail

Concealed carry without license, prohibited in detention facilities

County jail restricted fund, establishment and funding

Day reporting programs, usage of

DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requirement for

External detainee Fatality Review Panel, establishment of

Fiscal court, change requirement to order or resolution

Gross misdemeanants, define detention procedures for

Homelessness prevention, expansion of pilot project for

Inmates, county jails, sentence credits

Inmates, state prisoners, payment for

Jailer compensation, set compensation formula & require reporting.

Jailers, carry concealed weapons, expanded ability to

Misdemeanants, additional jail sentencing credits for

Misdemeanor theft offenses, create sentencing scheme for

Peace officer power of arrest, misdemeanors

State/Executive Branch Budget

Twelve hour hold for certain arrestees who pose a danger to their victim, imposition of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)