Education, Finance

Capital projects and bond oversight committee, procedures for considering higher education projects

ChalleNGe Academy students, SEEK funding, provided

Charter school, funds for

Dual credit scholarship program, establishment of

Higher, cash or debt-financed projects authorized under certain conditions

Higher, cash projects authorized under certain conditions

Individualized Education Accounts Program, establishment of

Individualized Education Accounts Program, SEEK funds, transfer of

KEES, allow students attending out-of-state high schools to earn

KEES, allow use for graduate degree program

KEES, comprehensive transition program, amounts increased for

KEES, dual credit courses eligible for

Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, deduction for contributions to

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, recognize 50th anniversary of

Postsecondary education performance-based funding, establishment of

Postsecondary education tuition waiver, eligibility of student for

Savings plan trust, income tax deduction for

Scholarships, eligibility for

School construction funding program, Kentucky School for the Blind, added

School construction funding program, Kentucky School for the Deaf, added

School Facilities Construction Commission, membership of

School Facilities Construction Commission, attach to Department of Education

School improvement tax credit and scholarship tax credit, creation

Secondary vocational centers, local school district, transfer of state-allocation to

SEEK calculation, exempt local effort amount in certain districts

State/Executive Branch Budget

State/Executive Branch Budget, Department of Education

State/Executive Branch Budget, education

State/Executive Branch Budget, Kentucky Department of Education

State/Executive Branch Budget, supplemental appropriations

Textbooks, Gatton and Craft Academy students, purchases by local districts

Tuition and fee increases, prohibition of, public postsecondary institutions

Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program, creation of

Work ready scholarship, define participating institutions for

Work ready scholarship, eligibility requirements for

Work Ready Scholarship Program, clarify requirements for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)