Public Safety

911 emergency services, funding of

911 fees, collection of by local governments

911 service and fees, charter counties and unified local governments, authority to establish

Address confidentiality protection program, expansion of

Benefits for death in the line of duty, emergency medical services personnel, inclusion of

Benefits for death in the line of duty, emergency medical services providers, inclusion of

Benefits for death in the line of duty, inclusion of emergency medical services providers

Breaks Interstate Park Commission, peace officers of

Cannabis, regulation of

Child protective service visits, unannounced

Concealed carry license, suspension or denial, mental health factors

Concealed carry training, applicant and instructor programs

Concealed carry without license

Concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, expanded locations

Confiscated weapons, funds from sale of, change requirements for distribution of for body cameras

Dogs, local government, breed ban, prohibition of

Drug abuse prevention program, schools to establish

Emergency management personnel, death benefits

Emergency medical services providers, death benefits

Emergency response medications, child-care

Emergency vehicle, constable, inclusion of

Epinephrine auto-injectors, storage and use in child-care centers

Epinephrine auto-injectors, storrage and use in child-care centers

External detainee Fatality Review Panel, establishment of

Extinguishing an abandoned burning national or state flag, immunity for

First Responders, Buffalo Trace Region, highway designation

Foster homes, per diem increase

Gender-neutral language, addition of

Gun safety and violence prevention, study of

High-volume large-diameter fans, standards established for

Human trafficking and prostitution investigations and prosecutions, concurrent

Human trafficking and prostitution investigations and prosecutions, concurrent jurisdiction

Kentucky Emergency Response Commission, representative from Department of Agriculture, addition of

Law enforcement, graduation requirement, nonaccredited high schools

Local Code enforcement, omnibus revisions

Monkey ownership, consideration of

National Human Trafficking Resource Center telephone hotline number, display of

Pipeline spill preparedness plans, establishment of

Pipelines, change of substance carried or direction of flow, prohibition

Prescribed fire program, safety requirements for

Reciprocal concealed carry licenses, Virginia, Governor and Attorney General to restore

Rescue squads, requiring sexual offender registry checks

State fire marshall, gender-neutral language, addition of

Synthetic drugs, increased penalties for

Twelve hour hold for certain arrestees who pose a danger to their victim, imposition of

Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act of 1994, Kentucky Contact Center, mandatory membership

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994

Unmanned aircraft, usage on critical infrastructure without permission, crime and liability

Utility shutoff protection, qualifications, requirements

Volunteer firefighter allotment from Fire Commission, increase to $11,000

Warrantless drone surveillance or use of armed drones by certain entities, prohibition

Waste-to-energy facilities, regulation of, minimum setback distances for

Youth camp background checks, requirement of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)