Actuarial Analysis

Casino gaming, allocation in support of

Casino gaming, constitutional amendment for

Charter schools, authorizers of

Charter schools, employees of

County Employees Retriement System, separate administration from Kentucky Retirement Systems

Eastern Kentucky University, transfer contract employees to Department of Criminal Justice Training

Kentucky Department of Education, charter schools, role of

Kentucky Retirement Systems, actuarial cost to employers ceasing participation

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Retirement Systems, retiree health payments by school districts for reemployed retirees

Kentucky Retirement Systems, voluntary cessation of participation

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and allow opt-out for current members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close to future members and future service accruals

Personnel Cabinet, exempt certain fire dist. from KEHP participation as condition of CERS part

Regional achievement zone, definition of

Retirement and pensions, eliminating retirement benefits for state officers and political appointees

Retirement and pensions, Kentucky Retirement Systems, board of trustees

Retirement, appropriation to SPRS pension unfunded liability

Retirement, creditable compensation growth, limitation on

Retirement, dependent health insurance subsidy for retired teachers

Retirement, election to discontinue or not participate in LRP or KERS for service to Gen. Assembly

Retirement, final compensation, definition

Retirement limitation on creditable compensation growth

Retirement, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Retirement, reimbursement for Medicare Part B premium for retired state troopers

Retirement, survivor's benefits, marriage

Serious physical injury, establish definition

Sick leave, interdistrict donation of

State retirement systems, disclosure of legislators' retirement account information

State-administered retirement systems, ban on placement agents, state contract laws

State-administered retirement systems, information disclosure if earn twice state per capita income

Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)