Public Officers and Employees

Abortion-related medical expenses, policies provided to state employees, coverage for

Autopsy images and recordings, access to

Cabinet for Economic Development, salaries of officers

Cabinet secretaries and commissioner of fish and wildlife, discussion of Jefferson County services

Campaign finance reports, single threshold, establishment of

Consolidated local government legislative council seats and staffing

County judge/executive, counties meeting certain conditions, election prohibited

Division of Conservation, director, technical and grammatical corrections

Domestic and dating violence, reporting

Eastern Kentucky University, transfer of certain contract employees

Election of statewide constitutional officers, change to even-numbered years

Ethics, prohibition on serving as lobbyist for two years after leaving office or termination

Health plan, addition of Health Savings Account option

Immigration laws, enforcement, requirement for

Jailers, compensation and duties detailed for upcoming fiscal year, quarterly reports of

Kentucky Retirement Systems, contract and investment fee disclosure

Kentucky Retirement Systems, creditable compensation growth, limitation on

Kentucky Retirement Systems, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit election

Kentucky Retirement Systems, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit selection

Kentucky Retirement Systems, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Kentucky Retirement Systems, voluntary cessation of participation

KY Arts Council and Tourism Development Finance Authority, reorganization

Labor Cabinet, reorganization of, Executive Order 2016-855

Legislators, election to discontinue or not participate in LRP or KERS for service to Gen. Assembly

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close to future members and future service accruals

Offender employment and licensure, requirements applying to

Open meetings law, private medical information of licensee or applicant exempt from

Personnel Steering Committee, abolishment of

Property valuation administrators, appeals

Property valuation administrators, methods of valuation

Protection of wages, labor organization and political actitivities

Public Officials Compensation Commission, abolishment of

Public works, certain contracts for, voting prohibited on

Reemployment after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials

Retirement, actuarial cost to employers ceasing participation in KERS/CERS

Retirement and pensions, eliminate retirement benefits for legislators after January 1, 2018

Retirement and pensions, eliminating retirement benefits for state officers and political appointees

Retirement, appropriation to SPRS pension unfunded liability

Retirement, benefit disclosure if earning twice state per capita income

Retirement, commitment to maintaining public pension benefits

Retirement, dependent health insurance subsidy for retired teachers

Retirement, discontinue benefits for new legislators and allow opt-out for current legislators

Retirement, Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Retirement, reimbursement for Medicare Part B premium for retired state troopers

Retirement, state retirement systems to disclose legislators' retirement account information

Retirement, systems to disclose retirement account information

Sanctuary cities, torts by illegal aliens during felony, vicarious liability

Social service workers, death-in-the-line-of-duty benefits, eligibility for

State property and programs, waiting period for naming for state official

State-administered retirement systems, ban on placement agents, state contract laws

Statewide officers, retirement fund investments, disclosure of

Teachers, retirement systems housekeeping bill

Time, rule for computing, state agencies to comply with

Verification of immigration status, public contracts and public agencies

Wage discrimination, prohibited on basis of sex, race, or national origin

Workers' Compensation Nominating Committee, reorganization of, Executive Order 2016-319

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)