Insurance, Health

Abortion-related medical expenses mandated by law, coverage for

Abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drug product, substitution for

Accreditation organizations, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, inclusion

Advisory Council to the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program, abolishment of

Annual limitation on benefits, limitation of

Court-ordered treatment, alcohol and other drug abuse

Dependent coverage, age 26, required coverage to

Direct primary care membership agreements

Direct primary care membership agreements, define

Essential health benefits, required coverage of

Fertility preservation services, related to cancer treatment, coverage for

Guaranteed issue, requirement for

Health benefit plans, coverage for certain abortion-related expenses, health benefit mandate for

Health benefit plans, coverage for fertility preservation services, health benefit mandate for

Health benefit plans, shoppable health service program, requirement of

Health savings account, exemption from garnishment, execution, attachment, distress, or fee bill

Insurer, Web site, requirements for

Insurers, information submitted to the Department of Insurance, annual requirement for

Lifetime limit on benefits, prohibition of

Mail-order pharmacy, required use prohibited

Medication-assisted treatment, allow coverage of

Minimum loss ratio, establishment of

Nonprofit health service corporations, schedule of dues, criteria for

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, state innovation waiver, authority to apply for

Pharmacy benefits, copayment, limitation of

Premiums, discrimination in

Preventative services, cost-sharing, limitation of

Retail pharmacy, different cost-sharing from mail-order pharmacy prohibited

Subscriber or member, nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental health service plan, dues for

Telehealth, required coverage of

Tobacco cessation, health benefit coverage

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)