Administrative Regulations and Proceedings
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Admin Office of the Court, jury service, procedure to volunteer for - SB 87: SCS
- hearing procedures, Executive Branch Ethics Commission, exemption from - SB 150
- hearing procedures, hearing officer requirements, Personnel Board exemption - SB 131: SFA (1)
- hearing procedures, Personnel Board, exemption from - SB 131
- regulations, annual review of - HB 154
Appeals, changes in jurisdiction - HB 515
Auditor of Public Accounts, agreed-upon procedures engagements for certain county officers - SB 144
Bicycle helmets, requirement for children under 12 - HB 52
Blow drying services curriculum, cosmetology board to set through administrative regulations - SB 106: SCS
- of Education, drug abuse prevention instruction, requirement - HB 55
- of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, requirement to promulgate regulations - SB 183
- of Nursing, certified professional midwife, certification and practice of - SB 134; SB 134: SCS, SFA (1)
Body-worn camera recording, release of - HB 373; HB 373: HFA (1)
Burden of proof, when higher standard required - SB 150: SFA (1)
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, foster care and adoption, require administrative regulations - HB 1: SFA (2)
- certification and registration of radon laboratories - SB 252: SFA (1)
- certification and registration of radon measurement contractors - SB 252: SFA (1)
- certification and registration of radon mitigation contractors - SB 252: SFA (1)
Commission on Proprietary Education, requirements for institutions - HB 281
Commissioner of insurance, required promulgation of - HB 493
Credit for reinsurance, Department of Insurance - HB 464; HB 464: SCS
- of Alcoholic Beverage Control, wine shipment of - SB 244
- of Revenue, opioid tax, administer - HB 337
- of Revenue, scholarship tax credit - HB 6: SFA (1)
- of Workplace Standards, apprenticeship tax credit for small business - HB 479
Drilling or mining operations, formal complaints, filing of - SB 249: SCA (1)
Early voting - SB 14
- and Workforce Development Cabinet, unemployment insurance - HB 67
- Professional Standards Board, review by Kentucky Board of Education - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
Emergency administrative regulations, extension of expiration date - HB 130: HCS
Executive Branch Ethics Commission, KRS Chapter 13B hearing procedures, exemptions - SB 150: SFA (2)
Explosives and blasting hearings, mining, exemption from KRS Chapter 13B - HB 261
- care and adoption, administrative regulations, required for - HB 1: HFA (3)
- care and adoption, require administrative regulations - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, HFA (1), SCS
Governmental units, regulation of electronic prescribing, standards, requiring - SB 143
Hearing procedures, Kentucky Board of Education, homeschool accountability - HB 574
- documents, amend by technical amendment, Dept. for Income Support Child Support - SB 96: HCS
- documents, amend by technical amendment, Dept. of Income Support Child Support Enforce - SB 96: SCS
- documents, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program technical amendments - SB 96
- documents, Supplemental Nutrition Program, allow to be amended by technical amendment - SB 96: HCS, SCS
- documents, technical amendments, Child Support Enforcement - SB 96
Innovation academies, exemption from - HB 438
Insured person, good-faith effort to confirm death of - HB 224
KCTCS, endowment match fund, administration of - HB 286
- Board of Education, emergency revolving school loan fund account - HB 141
- Board of Education, financial literacy course, academic standards - HB 132
- Board of Education, financial literacy courses and programs, academic standards - HB 132: SCS
- Board of Education, human sexuality education - SB 71: HFA (2)
- Board of Education, innovation academies - HB 438
- Board of Education, merger of school districts - HB 595
- Board of Education, nontraditional instruction program - SB 73: HCS
- Board of Education, require student mental health screenings - HB 538; HB 604: HFA (1)
- Board of Education, seizure action plan - HB 147
- Board of Education, seizure action plan, implementation of - HB 147: SCS
- Board of Education, seizure education program - HB 147
- Board of Education, teacher due process appeal procedures - SB 69
- Department of Libraries and Archives, Body-worn camera recording, release of - HB 373: HCS
- State Police, establish school safety certification program - HB 554
- CAP grant use for workforce development training programs - HB 247: HFA (3)
- KEES use for dual credit courses - HB 247
KRS Chapter 13B hearings, burden of proof, when higher standard required - SB 150: SFA (2)
Labor Cabinet, secretary may suspend or delay the enforcement of regulations in certain situations - HB 314; HB 314: HCA (1)
Medicaid Services, prescription dispensing fees - SB 5; SB 5: HCA (1), HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2), SCS, SFA (1)
Motor vehicle insurance, rejection, form for - HB 505
Motorcycle safety education, Justice and Public Safety Cabinet - SB 122
Notaries public, registration, promulgation regarding - SB 135; HB 333
Occupational licensing regulations, agency review of - HB 50
- and gas hearing procedures, Energy and Environment Cabinet, promulgate regulations - SB 249
- and gas hearings, notice requirements, appeal procedures - SB 249
Personnel Cabinet, internal mobility program - SB 34
Planning and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
PSC, Net metering compensation rate, costs and measurable benefits, ratemaking determination - HB 227: SFA (1)
- Service Commission, net metering compensation rates, set by ratemaking process - HB 227: HCS (2)
- Service Commission, net metering ratemaking process, initiated by utilities - HB 227: SCS
Racial and ethnic community criminal justice and public safety impact statement, require - HB 169: SFA (1)
Reports and procedures concerning administrative regulations, requirements for - HB 130; SB 131: HFA (1); SB 150: HCS
Revenue, rural growth fund tax credit - HB 6; HB 6: SCS, SFA (10), SFA (11)
- cities, determination of, establishment of hearing procedures - HB 240
- institution, determination of, establishment of hearing procedures - HB 240
Scholarship tax credit - SB 36; HB 134
Secretary of State, commissioning, require compliance, notaries public - HB 266: SCS
- Board of Elections, voter preregistration, minimum age of 16 - SB 227
- Police, firearm registration and sales - HB 502
Teacher tribunal, recommended and final orders in - SB 69: SFA (1)
Teaching certificate, maintenance of - HB 586
- Cabinet, driver vision testing - HB 605
- Cabinet, ignition interlock devices - SB 255
- Cabinet, operator's licenses, work release prisoners - SB 37; SB 37: SCS
Truck platooning, Department of Vehicle Regulation, promulgation of standards for - SB 116
Vital Statistics, reports of abortions performed - HB 455
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship, promulgation of - SB 231