Information Technology

Advertising, sex trafficking, advocate for change in federal law

Broadband Internet service, electric cooperatives, infrastructure for

Capital projects, definition of, increase in minimum amount

Cellular phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of

Internet pornography, public health issue

Internet service providers, Kentucky Model Procurement Act, Consumer Protection Act

Internet service providers, personally identifiable information, restriction on availability

KentuckyWired contracts, prohibition of paid prioritization

KentuckyWired, urge investigation of

Publication of licensed ambulance provider fees on internet, requirements

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, mandatory membership

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, nonmembers' rights to damages

Weapons offense registry, establishment of

Last updated: 9/1/2020 2:57 PM (EDT)
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