Consumer Affairs

Caller identification information, prohibiting misleading use of

Cellular phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of

Consumer reporting agencies, data encryption, requirements for

Consumer reporting agencies, free credit freeze by, providing for

Consumer reporting agencies, security breach, requirements for

Consumer reporting agencies, security freezes by, prohibit fees for

Credit access loans, licensees, creation of

Credit freeze expiration, removal of

Credit freeze, method of requesting

Credit freezes, method of requesting

Credit freezes, removal of seven-year expiration

Deferred deposit transactions, financial verification for

High-cost home loans, exemptions for

High-cost home loans, federal law, update references to

Human trafficking notice, require display of

License ambulance providers, publication of fees on internet

Medicaid, Technical Advisory Committee on Consumer Rights and Client Needs, elimination

Price controls during a state of emergency, violations of

Public playgrounds, accessible and inclusive design

Unfair claims settlement practices, third-party claims against casualty insurers, prohibition

Last updated: 9/1/2020 2:57 PM (EDT)
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