
Alternative certification program, veteran eligibility

Board of education, allow teachers and school personnel to carry firearms, encouraging

Boards of, encouraging allow teachers and school personnel to carry firearms

Certified employees, legal notices given to

Charter school statutes, repealing

Children ages three through five, evaluation for special education services

Compensation of

Continuing education requirements, removal of

Day of prayer for students, designation of

Drug awareness and prevention, teachers to receive professional development relating to

Dyslexia, evaluating for

Dyslexia, screening for

Evans, Jim W., Kentucky Superintendent of the Year, honoring

Four-year-old children, evaluation for special education services

Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions, Social Security

Government Pension Offset, Social Security Act

Governor's comments concerning teachers, condemning

Guidance counselors, changing terminology for

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Board of Trustees, confirmation, Frank E. Collecchia

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Board of Trustees, confirmation, John Valentine Boardman, III

Leave of absence, compliance with medical privacy law

Leaves of absence, compliance with medical privacy laws

Portable automated external difibrillators in public school buildings, requirement for

Portable automated external difibrillators, training in use of

Professional development, inclusion of dyslexia in

Professional development pilot program, creating

Professional development, seizure disorders

Repeal, SB 151 (2018 Ky. Acts ch. 107)

Retirement and Pensions, delete provisions of pension reform bill relating to TRS

Retirement and pensions, new defined benefit tier for new teachers

Retirement and pensions, term limits for trustees of board

Retirement, commitment to maintaining public pension benefits

Retirement, survivor's benefits, marriage

SB 151/EN, enacting clause, deletion of

School employees, relative defined

School employees, relative definition of

School principal, selection of

School property, concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lifting prohibitions on

School safety response program, volunteer participation in

Seizure disorders, requirement for teacher professional development, every other year

Sexual abuse awareness training

Sick leave, transfer to Education Professional Standards Board

State-administered retirement systems, pension reform

State-administered retirement systems, pension reform, restore 1.5% COLA

State-administered retirement systems, pension reform, optional 401(a) DC

STEM scholarship pilot program, establishment of

Suicide prevention awareness and training, require for charter schools

Suicide prevention training, requirement for

Sunscreen, application of, local board policy

Teacher preparation programs, inclusion of dyslexia in

Teachers' Retirement System, death before retirement, gender-neutral language

Teacher's Retirement System, restricted companies, divestment from

Trauma-informed approach, training on

Tribunal appeal procedures, hearing officer role in

Tribunals, recommended and final orders in

Last updated: 9/1/2020 2:57 PM (EDT)
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