Budget and Financial Administration

Bonds and leases, conform dates methods for publication

Branch budget recommendations, technical correction

Budget forms, timeframe for submission

Budget unit requests, date of submission

Claims against the Commonwealth, appropriating funds for

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, budget special session, compensation suspended

Conversion therapy, prohibiting of public funding of

Estimate of revenue loss, tax expenditures, include within

Farmer-focused mental health service program; funding for

Formula for distribution to area development districts, establishing

General Fund, compact obligation prohibition on

Highway Construction Contingency Account, status reports to the LRC

Kentucky Communications Network Authority, bonds

Kentucky Employees Retirement System, employer contribution rate for quasi-governmental employees

Law Enforcement Foundation Program fund, modification of

Roads, donations to state in aid of construction or maintenance of

Roll call vote, requirement for

Soil and Water Conservation Commission, biennial budget reports, repeal requirements

State/Executive Branch Budget, amendment of

Structure of branch budget bills, technical correction

Submission of budget recommendations, Transportation Cabinet

Technical correction

United States Constitution, Article V convention on restraining federal government, call for

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)