
Broadband and information technology, Department for Local Government, responsibilities of, removal

Call center relocations to a foreign country, notice to Labor Cabinet

Call location information, wireless telecommunication, emergency requests

Caller identification, advocate for changes in federal law

Cell phone towers and other communication infrastructure, location on federal lands

Cell phone towers and other communication infrastructure, location on state lands

Certified law enforcement telecommunicators, training stipend

Communications providers, 911 access, limitation of liability

Definition of telephone utility, changes to

Exempt providers from penalties

Extended warranty services, exemption from sales and use tax

KentuckyWired contracts, prohibition of paid prioritization

Lifeline CMRS service charge, prohibit collection from end user

Lifeline providers, CMRS service charge, prohibit imposition on

Lifeline providers, reimbursement eligibility, Kentucky universal service fund

Military service member, due to relocation, exemption from termination or suspension fees for

Property used in the deployment of advanced broadband technologies, property tax exemption

Telephone solicitations, prohibited acts

Trespass upon key infrastructure assets

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, mandatory membership

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)