Commendations and Recognitions

Adkisson, Dave, honoring upon retirement

Ballard, Margaret Mary Magdalene Somers, honoring

Beach III, Charles, honoring

Beaumont Inn, honoring 100th anniversary

Clark, Joani, honoring

Coles, David, honoring

Cunningham, Susan, honoring upon retirement

Elliott, Eric, honor upon retirement

Father Jim Sichko, honoring

Greater Louisville Inc., honoring

Jenkins, Robert, recognized upon occasion of retirement

Laurel County Health Department, Small Local Department of the Year

Murray-Calloway County Chamber of Commerce, recognizing

Piazza, Judy, honoring

Redmon, Adrian, honoring

Rigsby, Gina, honoring

Rotary Club International and World Polio Day, October 24th 2019, honoring

Rotary Club International and World Polio Day, October 24th, 2019, honoring

V.L. and Tennie Harless family, honoring

Yankey, Tommy, honoring

Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:55 PM (EST)