Public Safety

Animal killed for cause, personal property, investigation for health and safety by Fish and Wildlife

Background check, child-caring facility and child-placing agency staff, requiring

Call location information, wireless telecommunication, emergency requests

Center for School Safety, board of directors, student members on

Certified law enforcement telecommunicators, training stipend

Child abuse, neglect, and dependency reporting, requiring

Child abuse, neglect, and depenency reporting, requiring

Child abuse or neglect, reporting of

Children and young adult, protection

Emergency response commission, quorum for

Emergency vehicles, conservation officers

Engineering, architects engaging in the practice of

External detainee fatality review panel, establishment of

Extreme risk protection order, firearms prohibition, petition for

Firearms, made with additive manufacturing, possession prohibited

Gender-neutral language, addition of

General aviation airports, inspection and licensure

Kentucky Golden Alert System, creation of

Kentucky Office of Homeland Security, creation of public event ranking system, committee for

Medal of Honor recipients, Kentucky State Police protection for

Medal of Honor recipients, requesting police protection for

Parole sanction, supervision continuation in lieu of revocation

Personal information, requirements for the release of

President of the United States, ICE, commendation of, border security, funding for

Public postsecondary school property, concealed deadly weapons, lifting prohibitions on

School safety and threat assessment team, require training for

Shooting of an individual by a law enforcement officer or deadly incident, investigation of

Terroristic threatening, add places of worship and scheduled public events

Tobacco use in schools and on school property, develop policy

Tobacco use in schools and on school property, prohibition

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of

Veteran at risk, Green Alert, establishment of

Veteran at risk, green alert, providing option for

Veteran at risk, Green Alert, providing option for

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)