
911 service, funds for

Automated calling equipment

Broadband deployment fund, underserved and unserved areas, grants for

Call center relocations to a foreign country, notice to Labor Cabinet

Commercial Mobile Radio Service fees, collection, use, and accounting of

Connected devices, required security features

Criminal mischief in the first degree

Kentucky Communications Network Authority, wholesale network access in unserved areas

KentuckyWired contracts, prohibition of paid prioritization

Lifeline CMRS service charge, prohibit collection from end user

Lifeline provider CMRS service charge, federal universal service fund moneys, prohibit use of

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibition

Public safety telecommunicators, categorization in Standard Occupational Classification system

Quick hotline number for suicide prevention, urging adoption of

Sales and use tax, equipment, refund

Trespass upon key infrastructure assets

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, operator and excavator duties

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, operator contact list

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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