Bill Request 275

Title AN ACT relating to Medicaid payments.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors S. Meredith
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 304.17A-527 to require Medicaid managed care organizations to provide all payment schedules utilized to reimburse health care providers with whom they have maintained a contractual relationship for the previous three months to the Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee on a quarterly basis for the committee's review; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require that services provided in rural counties be reimbursed at least at the median amount paid to an urban health care provider within the nearest metropolitan statistical area; establish a penalty that goes to the underpaid provider. .
Index Headings Health and Medical Services - Medicaid payments, reporting and reimbursing
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Medicaid payments, reporting and reimbursing
Insurance, Health - Medicaid payments, reporting and reimbursing
Physicians and Practitioners - Medicaid payments, reporting and reimbursing
Medicaid - Medicaid payments, reporting and reimbursing
Reports Mandated - Medicaid payments, reporting


08/20/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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