Bills with Two Reading in the Senate

Senate Bill: 10fa, 27cs cta fas, 90cs fas fta, 109cs, 116cs, 124, 135, 141, 143cs, 154fa, 162fas, 165cs, 167cs cta fas, 225cs, 231, 244, 281
House Bill: 1cs cta fas, 4, 12cs, 14, 22fas, 171, 174, 194, 277, 346, 368, 388, 390fa, 401, 403, 406, 421, 424cs fas fta, 426, 446cs cta, 449fa fta, 466, 499, 511, 513, 628

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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