Prefile Index Heading:
Boards and Commissions

Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, adding Cannabis Administrator to

Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction

Board of Education, eligibility and membership

Commonwealth of Kentucky Data Governance and Management Advisory Board, creation of

Data working group, creation of

Kentucky Board of Creative Arts Therapies, membership composition of

Kentucky board of Licensure for Professional Art Therapists, name change

Kentucky Gaming Commission, creation of

Kentucky Transportation Board, establishment, membership, powers, and duties

Local school board members, insurance rates

Officer Shooting Review Board, establishment of

Recommended Biennial Highway Construction Plan, Kentucky Transportation Board approval

State assistance and state management, Board of Education, process for

State, Elections, promulgate administrative regulations for, voter preregistration

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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