Bill Request 120

Title AN ACT relating to corporal punishment in schools.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors S. Riley, J. Nemes, R. Wiederstein, L. Willner
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS 158.440 to 158.449 to define "corporal punishment"; prohibit a person employed by a school district from using corporal physical discipline; amend KRS 158.444 to remove corporal punishment as a form of discipline in a school; amend KRS 503.110 to remove the exception that permitted the use of physical force by a teacher against a minor.
Index Headings Crimes and Punishments - Corporal physical discipline of minor by teacher, use of, prohibiting
Education, Elementary and Secondary - Corporal physical discipline, use of, prohibiting
Children and Minors - Corporal physical discipline, use of, prohibiting


07/09/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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