Bill Request 154

Title AN ACT relating to the recall of elected officials.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors D. Schamore
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 63 establishing a procedure for the recall of any elected sheriff, jailer, constable, or peace officer; amend KRS 63.990 to include a criminal penalty for giving money or anything of value in exchange for a signature on a petition.
Index Headings County Clerks - Duties, recall of certain elected officials
Crimes and Punishments - Class A misdemeanor, money or other thing of value in exchange for signature
Elections and Voting - Certain elected officials, recall of
Jails and Jailers - Recall, procedure for
Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Elected, procedure for recall
Sheriffs - Recall, procedure for
State Agencies - State Board of Elections, forms provided by
Administrative Regulations and Proceedings - Forms, State Board of Elections to provide
Constables - Recall, procedure for


12/11/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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