Bill Request 82

Title AN ACT relating to tuition benefits and making an appropriation therefor.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors R. Rothenburger, M. Hart
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 164.2841, relating to college tuition benefits for spouses and children of specified emergency response personnel and public employees who have died in the course of their duties to specify that the beneficiary is eligible for up to a maximum of 128 credit hours of undergraduate instruction; amend KRS 164.2842, relating to college tuition benefits for spouses and children of specified emergency response personnel and public employees who have been totally and permanently disabled in the course of their duties to specify that the beneficiary is eligible for up to a maximum of 128 credit hours of undergraduate instruction.
Index Headings Local Government - Law enforcement officers, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse and children
Education, Higher - Emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Education, Higher - Law enforcement officers, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Emergency Medical Services - Emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Firefighters and Fire Departments - Disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Firefighters and Fire Departments - Firefighters, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Local Government - Firefighters, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Police, City and County - Disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse and children
Police, State - Disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse and children
Special Districts - Ambulance districts, emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits
Special Districts - Chapter 75 fire, emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits
Cities - Emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse and children
Cities - Firefighters, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse and children
Cities - Law enforcement officers, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Counties - Emergency medical services personnel, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Counties - Firefighters, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children
Counties - Law enforcement officers, disabled or killed, tuition benefits for spouse or children


06/10/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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