Public Health

Childcare center mandates, children five and under, masks

COVID-19, appropriation of funds, expansion of medical services

COVID-19, child-care center standards

COVID-19, emergency actions

COVID-19, emergency actions, mask mandates

COVID-19, immunization, requisite for employment, exemptions, notice

COVID-19 immunization, requisite for employment, prohibition

COVID-19 immunization status, requisite for employment, state-funded employer, prohibition

COVID-19, immunization status, serology test

COVID-19, workers' compensation due to exposure

COVID-19, workers compensation due to exposure

COVID-19, workers' compensation due to exposure

COVID-19, workers compensation due to exposure

COVID-19, workers' compensation, exposure

Department for Public Health, test to stay option, development

Health care providers, appropriation of funds, emergency provisions

Immunization, school district not to require

Local health department, mask mandate, authorization

Local health departments, retirement reemployment, provisions

Local health departments, school district assistance, requirements

Mask mandates, provisions

School health mandates, health and religious exemptions

Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:56 PM (EST)