Environment and Conservation

Advanced recycling and recovery technologies, definitions

Agricultural land, energy, photovoltaic power stations on, prohibition

Air quality, General Assembly, findings, technical corrections

Bioaccumulative chemicals of concern, wastewater discharges, mixing zone assignments

Climate change, Green New Deal, impact on ecosystems and wildlife habitat

Climate change order, state lawsuits, social costs, participation

Compensatory mitigation projects, unsatisfied liabilities, requirements for

Department for Natural Resources, jurisdiction, laws relating to mines

Electronic waste disposal, Energy Cabinet, disposal program study

Energy and Environment Cabinet, powers, gender-neutral

Fish and wildlife conservation officers, payment from the Law Enforcement Foundation Program

Healthy Soils Program, Healthy Soils Program fund, Division of Conservation, establishment

Highway construction contingency account, fund transfer to Kentucky Pride fund

In-Lieu Fee Stream and Wetland Mitigation Task Force, authorization of, fund report

Kentucky Recyclers Association, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, commendation

Kentucky recyclers, commendation

Keystone XL Pipeline Project, urge approval of

Off-site construction or demolition waste disposal, permitted area, increase

Open dumping, local government, imposition of civil fine by

Open dumping ordinance, local government, no conflict with existing ordinances

Open dumps, solid waste management facilities, fines and enforcement of

Petroleum storage tank program

PFAS chemicals, drinking water and discharge limits, administrative regulation, establishment

PFAS, limitations on exposure, monitoring and control of

Plastic convenience items, prohibition

Proposed constitutional amendment, peoples right for health, cleanliness, and preservation

Public Water and Wastewater System Infrastructure Task Force, reestablishment

Sanitation districts, sewer service, right to refuse service

Soil and Water Conservation Commission, membership, gender-neutral

Solid waste facilities, exemption for residual wastes, limitation of

State/Executive Branch Budget

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, operator and excavator duties

Voluntary environmental remediation tax credit, expansion

Waste disposal facility, notice of intent, licensing by county fiscal court

Well-managed forestlands, property tax assessment procedures, recommendations, report

Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:52 PM (EST)