Bill Request 17

Title AN ACT relating to actuarial reporting for the state-administered retirement systems.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors J. Miller
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 6.350 to establish additional standards and requirements for the completion of the actuarial analysis required for bills pertaining to state-administered retirement systems, including a projection of costs/savings over a 30-year period rather than 20 years, completion of the analysis in a format established by the Legislative Research Commission, and the addition of a summary of relevant data and information on the front page of the analysis; amend KRS 21.440, 61.670, and 161.400 to require the state-administered retirement systems to provide a projection/analysis over a 30-year period rather than a 20-year period regarding projections in the annual actuarial valuation and as it relates to experience studies, assumption changes, and other changes made by the boards of each system.
Index Headings General Assembly - Retirement bills, additional requirements for actuarial analysis
Legislative Research Commission - Retirement bills, additional requirements for actuarial analysis
Retirement and Pensions - Actuarial analysis, additional requirements for retirement bills
Retirement and Pensions - State-administered retirement systems, required actuarial reporting


10/07/20 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/4/2021 4:38 PM (EST)
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