Bill Request 258

Title AN ACT establishing celebratory commissions for the Kentucky State Parks centennial anniversary, the Old Fort Harrod State Park semiquincentennial anniversary, and the United States semiquincentennial anniversary.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors A. Tackett Laferty
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS Chapter 148 to establish the Kentucky State Park Centennial Commission, the Kentucky Semiquincentennial Commission, and the Old Fort Harrod Semiquincentennial Commission to coordinate celebrations; establish membership of the commissions; establish sunset dates for the provisions.
Index Headings Fiscal Note - State parks, centennial celebration, anniversary
Parks and Shrines - State parks, centennial celebration, anniversary, commissions
Tourism - State parks, centennial celebration, anniversary
Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Committees - Centennial celebration, state parks, anniversary, tourism, special events
Advisory Boards, Commissions, and Committees - Creation, centennial and semiquincentennial commissions, anniversary, state parks, celebrations
Historical Affairs - Centennial and semiquincentennial commissions, anniversary celebrations
Sunset Legislation - Centennial and semiquincentennial commissions, anniversary celebrations


11/16/20 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/4/2021 4:38 PM (EST)
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