Bill Request 985

Title AN ACT relating to private information of public officials and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors J. Blanton
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of KRS 61.870 to 61.884 exempting personally identifiable information of judges, prosecutors, and law enforcement officers from the Open Records Act; create a new section of KRS Chapter 525 to create a new felony of disseminating personally identifying information on the Internet about a law enforcement official.
Index Headings Crimes and Punishments - Disseminating personally identifiable information, judges, prohibition
Crimes and Punishments - Disseminating personally identifiable information, law enforcement, prohibition
Crimes and Punishments - Disseminating personally identifiable information, prosecutors, prohibition
Judges and Court Commissioners - Personally identifiable information, Open Records Act, exemption
Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Personally identifiable information, Open Records Act, exemption
Police, City and County - Personally identifiable information, Open Records Act, exemption
Police, State - Personally identifiable information, Open Records Act, exemption
Prosecutors - Personally identifiable information, Open Records Act, exemption
Public Records and Reports - Judges, personally identifiable information, exemption
Public Records and Reports - Law enforcement officers, personally identifiable information, exemption
Public Records and Reports - Prosecutors, personally identifiable information, exemption


12/11/20 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/4/2021 4:38 PM (EST)
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