
Advanced nuclear energy, Legislative Research Commission, feasibility study

Compensatory mitigation, eminent domain, severance

Income tax credit, sustainable aviation fuel consumption

Kentucky alternative fuel and renewable energy fund, elimination

Motor fuels, gasoline, ASTM standards

Motor fuels, gasoline, license, standards

Orphan oil and gas wells, reclamation and remediation, funding, vendor contracts

Orphan oil wells and sites, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funds, uses and restrictions

Orphan wells, funding for, emergency regulations for contracting

Public Service Commission, fuel price volatility, procurement, administrative case

Reclamation Guaranty Fund, coal mine permittees, appointments

Reformulated gasoline requirements, urging removal

Regulatory assets, deferred recovery, fuel adjustment charge

Renewable portfolio requirement, solar energy, regulated utilities, requirements

Reserve margin, firming the electric grid, fossil fuels

Sales and use tax incentive, sustainable aviation fuel production

Utility customer bills, electric and gas utilities, fuel adjustment clause

Utility disconnection requirements, electric and gas utilities

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)