Public Records and Reports

Birth, death, and marriage certificates, central digital repository

Cities, city managers, evaluation records public

Court records of a child, allow the child to request confidentiality

Geographic information clearinghouse, availability to all state agencies

Letter of appointment, copy to Legislative Research Commission

Local governments, affidavit of lost, damaged, or destroyed records

Notification by a public officer, requirements for protection of personally identifiable information

Open records act exemption, self-exclusion list

Personally identifiable information, public officer, current, former, or retired official

Personally identifiable information, public officer, federal law enforcement officer

Personally identifiable information, public officer, prohibition for conviction of various crimes

Personally identifiable information, vehicle identification numbers

Public officers, personally identifiable information, exemption

Selected fire departments, frequency of reporting and financial examinations

State/Executive Branch Budget

Student athlete name, image, and likeness agreements, disclosure

Video teleconference

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)