Prefile Index Heading:
Health and Medical Services

Alternative treatments, chronic pain

Assisted outpatient treatment, severe mental illness, court orders

Chronic pain treatments, coverage

COVID-19, emergency actions, occupational exposure

COVID-19 vaccination, child requirement, consent

Diabetic Ketoacidosis Awareness Day, April 26, 2022

Facial coverings, public postsecondary educational institution property, prohibition of requirement

Homeless services, operator's licenses and personal IDs, issuance procedures

Human DNA, collection or transfer of human DNA, prohibition

Hyde Amendment, prohibition of federal funds for abortions, support

Implicit bias training, requiring

Individual-directed care, end of life

Kentucky all-payer claims database, establishment

Legalized abortions, Roe v. Wade, anniversary

Limited X-ray machine operator, criteria

Living organ donation, promotion of

Long-term care facilities, assisted living community, personal care home, licensure

Maternal mortality and morbidity, prevention of

Maternity health, mental health awareness, information

Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment form, advance directives, updates

Mental Health Flag, support childhood mental health awareness, designation

Mental health wellness examination, coverage requirement

Naloxone, school employee administration, requirement

Postsecondary education institutions, vaccination requirement, prohibition

Pregnant women inmates, requirements

Reproductive privacy, right to, establishment

Treatment of adults in psychiatric residential facilities and hospitals, Medicaid coverage

Last updated: 12/21/2021 12:15 PM (EST)
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