
Electric utilities, vegetation maintenance practices, property owners

Insurance notifications to third parties

Interstate hazardous liquid pipeline facilities, notification, developer and operator

Lien prohibition in lease, filing, county clerk's office

Local government procurement, exemptions

Merchant electric generating facilities, acquisition of real estate, notice, local officials

Merchant electric generating facilities, notice, 180 days prior to board application

Merchant electric generating facilities, transfer of control, notice

Natural gas transmission pipelines, planning and zoning, notification, developer and operator

No smoking signs, requirements

Property tax, certificates of delinquency, taxpayer notification requirements

Real property disclosure form, proximity to military installation

Required publication, alternative Internet posting

Solid waste management franchises, procedural requirements, exemptions

Wage performance bonds for employers engaged in mining, notification of compliance

Waste disposal facility, notice of intent, licensing by county fiscal court

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)