Occupational Safety and Health

Administrative regulation, federal standard, Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board

COVID-19, emergency actions, occupational exposure

Employer vaccine mandate, conscientious objection exception

Employer vaccine mandate, medical contraindication, exception

Employer vaccine mandate, religious exception

Employer vaccine mandate, written notice, exceptions

Employer violation penalties, increase

Immunization requirements, exemptions, action for damages

Inclement weather plan, safety of employees

Labor Cabinet and Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, consolidation

Law enforcement, telecommunicators, PTSD training and resources

Medical spas, requirements, operation

Place of employment, indoor smoking, prohibition, exceptions

Procurement contracts, award to companies that violate occupational safety laws, prohibition

Seizure first aid, dissemination of information

Telecommunicator, definition

Last updated: 2/8/2023 2:57 PM (EST)