Administrative Regulations and Proceedings

Adult Workforce Diploma Pilot Program, creation

Attorney General, earned wage advance transactions, maximum consideration

Attorney General, trigger lead requirements, enforcement

Attorney General, unlawful financial trade practices enforcement

Attorney General, unlawful real estate trade practices enforcement

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program establishment

Autonomous vehicles, authority and regulatory framework

Birth certificate form, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, promulgation

Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, licensure

Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction

Board of Medical Licensure, occupational licenses for veterans

Bouncers, training and certification, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control

Cabinet for Economic Development, in-demand occupations and industry sectors, identification

Cabinet for Economic Development, nuclear assistance program, establishment

Cabinet for Economic Development, ownership of real property, regulation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, administrative regulations, alcohol and drug counseling

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, adult abuse registry, appeal notification

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, certified waiver providers

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child abuse and neglect and adult abuse registries

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Child Care Assistance Program, eligibility

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, controlled substance, reporting

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, directed payment program for hospitals

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, emergency shelter operation

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, firearms, education

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, freestanding birthing centers, licensure

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, hospital price transparency, compliance

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, lifeguard requirements

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, long-term care, staffing ratios

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, medicinal cannabis

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, poultry sales

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, pregnancy resource centers, licensure

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, residential waiver services, use of video recording devices

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, sale of cultivated meat, prohibition

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, SNAP Employment and Training Program, establishment

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, standardized inspection form

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, supplemental nutrition assistance program

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Certificate of need, state health plan, nonsubstantive review

Commissioner, Department of Insurance, mine subsidence, structures, reinsurance maximum

Council on Postsecondary Education, comprehensive universities, research doctorial programs

Council on Postsecondary Education, comprehensive universities, research institution, marketing

Council on Postsecondary Education, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, restrictions

Council on Postsecondary Education, endowed research fund, administration

Department for Medicaid Services, at home prothrombin time testing, coverage

Department for Medicaid Services, certified professional midwifery services, coverage

Department for Medicaid Services, doula services

Department for Medicaid Services, program coverage, nullification

Department for Medicaid Services, ultrasound and fetal nonstress tests

Department for Natural Resources, Healthy Soils Program establishment

Department for Public Health, kratom products, regulation

Department of Agriculture, ownership of agricultural land, regulation

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, kratom products, regulation

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, vapor product and manufacturer list, establishment

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, whiskey fungus, cleaning costs

Department of Education, defining and establishing a multitiered system of supports

Department of Education, English learner enhanced support program, standards, administration

Department of Education, school bus sensors and interior cameras, consideration

Department of Financial Institutions, nonrecourse consumer legal funding

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, water safety enforcement, regulation

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, wildlife rehabilitation

Department of Housing, Buildings & Construction, military occupational experience, electricians

Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction, electricians, licensing, electronic license

Department of Insurance, average ambulatory pharmacy dispensing fee, data collection

Department of Insurance, commissioner, cost defrayal payments

Department of Insurance, continuous minimum motor vehicle insurance, forms and notice

Department of Insurance, Kentucky all-payer claims database, enforcement

Department of Insurance, pharmacy benefit managers, regulation

Department of Kentucky State Police, ammunition feeding device registration program

Department of Kentucky State Police, background checks, employees access, tax information

Department of Vehicle Regulation, insurance notifications, AVIS

Department of Workplace Standards, administrative regulations

Department of Workplace Standards, heat injury prevention

Department of Workplace Standards, minor employment, regulations

Department of Workplace Standards, Statute of limitations, three years for wage and hour violations

Department of Workplace Standards, youth work program

Education and Labor Cabinet, Kentucky OSHA standards for public employees

Education and Labor Cabinet, Kentucky OSHA standards for public employees

Education Professional Standards Board, complaint and hearing procedures, removal

Education Professional Standards Board, complaint procedures

Education Professional Standards Board, complaints process, modification

Education Professional Standards Board, hearing procedures

Education Professional Standards Board, reading curriculum

Effect of administrative regulations, study

Emergency medical services providers, classifications, credentialing, reciprocity

EMS personnel, interstate compact

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Facial recognition, use as evidence in administrative hearing, prohibition

Insurance commissioner, standard insurance discounts, targets, and benchmarks, FORTIFIED Homes

Insurance commissioner, Strengthen Kentucky Homes Program, implementation and administration

KCTCS and Department of Revenue, promulgation requirement, PVA exam registration and fees

Kentucky Board of Education, alternative transportation plan, minimum standards and specifications

Kentucky Board of Education, career and technical education, funding formula and distribution

Kentucky Board of Education, charitable contribution reports

Kentucky Board of Education, civic literacy, academic standards

Kentucky Board of Education, cursive writing and typing, academic standards

Kentucky Board of Education, high school graduation requirement, ability to sign cursive name

Kentucky Board of Education, Kentucky Proud School Match Program

Kentucky Board of Education, merger of school districts

Kentucky Board of Education, minimum requirements for accelerated learning polices

Kentucky Board of Education, nonresident pupils, appeals process

Kentucky Board of Education, physical education graduation requirements, athletics alternative

Kentucky Board of Education, school building requirements, single-user restroom facility

Kentucky Board of Education, school district land purchase and disposal, approval

Kentucky Board of Education, use of artificial intelligence

Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, grant fund

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists, licensing

Kentucky Board of Pharmacy, data collection, ambulatory pharmacies

Kentucky Board of Pharmacy, hormonal contraceptives

Kentucky Fire Commission, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection fees

Kentucky Foreign Investment Review Board, agricultural land, appeal process

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, rural veterinary student loan repayment

Kentucky Housing Corporation, abandoned home pool fund, establishment

Kentucky Housing Corporation, workforce housing loan pool fund, establishment

Kentucky Indigent Persons' Burial Program, promulgation

Kentucky Real Estate Authority, heirs property research fund

KHEAA, KEES, dual credit course, use

Labor, employee misclassification

Massage therapists, interstate compact

Mobile barber shop, licensure, operation, inspection criteria

Office of Data Analytics, Kentucky-all payer claims database, administration

Ophthalmic dispenser license renewal fee, establishment by regulation

Outdoor nature-based child-care centers, licensure requirements

Personnel Cabinet, bereavement leave for state employees

Personnel Cabinet, classified employees, new appointments, incumbent employees, salary requirements

Poultry sales

Public Service Commission, administrative regulation review, nuclear regulatory impacts

Public Service Commission, emergency administrative regulations, pole attachment requests

Public Service Commission, emergency regulations, broadband service, pole attachment requests

Public Service Commission, integrated resource plans, consideration of all generation resources

Settlement agreement, nondisclosure clause, harassment, prohibition

Short-term rentals, building code compliance

Social Work Licensure Compact, social workers

Social workers, administrative regulation, nullification

State Board of Elections, recall election forms, provision

State Police, firearm registration and sales

Statute of limitations for wage and hour violations

Student Teacher Stipend Program, creation

Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, creation

Trail Town operations grant fund, implementation

Transportation Cabinet, administrative regulations, overweight and overdimensional permit fees

Transportation Cabinet, AVIS operator's license database, programming

Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application

Transportation Cabinet, motor vehicle towing statutes, penalties

Transportation Cabinet, super speeders, penalties

Transportation Cabinet, towing companies, violation penalties

Transportation Cabinet, truck taxes, application, denial, appeal process

Unemployment compensation, domestic or dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking

Work program, minors aged 12 or 13

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)