
Appointed members, boards and commissions, Senate confirmation, requirement

Department for Medicaid Services, program coverage, administrative regulation nullification

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, members, remove appointing authority

Election proclamation, office of United States Senator, issuance

Emergency, powers and duties, restrictions

Energy Planning and Inventory Commission, appointments, Senate confirmation

Energy Planning and Inventory Task Force, report

Governor of Texas, support

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Governor's recommended Transportation Cabinet Budget

International organizations, mandates, prohibition

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, membership

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, board members, appointment

New State Capitol and Capitol Annex, public areas, usage

Nullification, administrative regulation, social workers

Pardons and commutations, limitation

Personnel Board, member appointments, increase

Proclamation, Black History Season

State/Executive Branch Budget

Time of election, even-numbered years

Transportation Cabinet Budget

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)