Public Records and Reports

Birth certificate, biological sex designation, requirement

Birth certificates, parents' Social Security numbers, removal

Birth, death, and marriage certificates, central digital repository

Compliance of public agencies

Eminent domain, good faith negotiation, recordings, public inspection

Energy Planning and Inventory Commission, notice, public hearing, and final report deadlines

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Health facilities, workplace violence reports, Social Security number of victim, removal

Homeless persons, birth certificate, free access

Homeless youth, birth certificate, free access

Local board of education, members, open records training, requirement

Lottery winners, confidentiality

Open Records Act training, requirement

Open records, compliance

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Public records, definition

Public records, exclusions

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Public Service Commission, hearing, final report, filing

Reports mandated, Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue

Signature rosters, precinct lists, State Board of Elections, provision

Social Security number, requirements to provide, removal

State/Executive Branch Budget

Transfers of land, subdivision, recording of plat, requirement

Vehicle accident reports, law enforcement access

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)