House Bill 289

Last Action 01/17/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to incest.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statements Corrections Impact
Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 1649
Sponsor N. Wilson
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 530.020 to define terms; provide that a person is guilty of incest when the person engages in sexual contact with a person to whom he or she knows to have a familial relationship with; provide that incest by sexual contact is a Class D felony unless the victim is under 12 years old, in which case it is a Class C felony; amend KRS 439.3401 to amend the definition of "violent offender" to include a person who has been convicted of incest by sexual contact.
Index Headings of Original Version Local Mandate - Incest, sexual contact
Crimes and Punishments - Incest, sexual contact, Class D felony
Crimes and Punishments - Incest, sexual contact, under 12 years old, Class C felony
Crimes and Punishments - Violent offender, incest by sexual contact
Criminal Procedure - Incest, sexual contact, Class D felony
Criminal Procedure - Incest, sexual contact, under 12 years old, Class C felony
Criminal Procedure - Violent offender, incest by sexual contact
Corrections Impact - Incest, sexual contact


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)