House Bill 91

Last Action 01/03/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to metal recyclers.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 29
Sponsors R. Roberts, G. Brown Jr.
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of Subchapter 30 of KRS Chapter 224 to require the Energy and Environment Cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to implement a comprehensive program to control explosions and combustion events at metal recycling facilities; require administrative regulations to be promulgated within 120 days after the effective date of the Act; include standards and requirements for controlling hazardous emissions, flying objects, smoke and dust, and the need for pre-shredders; define "pre-shredder" and "metal recycling facility"; amend KRS 224.30-175 to require notice of violations of noise standards from a metal recycling facility be sent to both the recycling facility and the local governing body.
Index Headings of Original Version Environment and Conservation - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program
Explosives - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program, pre-shredders
Fire Prevention - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program
Local Government - Metal recycling facilities, noise exceedances, notice to local government
Noise Control - Metal recycling facilities, noise exceedances, notice to local government
Nuisances - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program
Pollution - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program
Waste Management - Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)