Senate Resolution 272

Last Action 04/12/24: adopted by voice vote
Title A RESOLUTION honoring Pete Fraley upon the occasion of his retirement as head coach of the Boyd County High School girls' basketball team.
Bill Documents Current/Final
Bill Request Number 2505
Sponsor R. Webb
Summary of Original Version Honor Pete Fraley upon the occasion of his retirement as Boyd County High School girls' basketball head coach.
Index Headings of Original Version Athletics - Fraley, Pete, Boyd County High School girls' basketball head coach, retirement, honoring
Commendations and Recognitions - Fraley, Pete, Boyd County High School girls' basketball head coach, retirement, honoring


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Senate Floor
  • adopted by voice vote

Last updated: 7/10/2024 7:22 AM (EDT)