Charitable Organizations and Institutions

Animal shelters, partnership with retail pet shop

Animal shelters, retail pet shops, dogs or cats, sale restrictions

Blueprint for Kentucky's Children, recognition

Charitable bail organizations, restrictions, required reporting

Charitable contributions to school districts over $100, annual charitable contribution report

Charitable gaming, licensed activities

Charitable gaming, persons under 21 years of age, prohibition

Department of Charitable Gaming, charity game tickets, restrictions

Dogs or cats, sale restrictions, definition of hobby breeder and large-scale breeding kennel, delete

Endowment agreements, donor restrictions, penalties

Endowment agreements, donor restrictions, penalty for violation

Grant database, accessibility to state grants

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, charitable gaming, regulation

Nonprofit educational, charitable, and religious organizations, sales and use tax, sales exemption

Utility disconnection requirements, certificate of need, community and faith-based services

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)