
Abuse, violence, employer requirements, employee supports, leave, accommodations

Bot users, duties to persons, enforcement

Cash, prohibition against refusal during face-to-face transactions

Commercial dog breeders, licensure

Delivery network company services, regulation

Digital service providers, duties to minors

Digital service providers, duties to minors, exemption

Employee voting leave, requirements for employers

Home solicitation sales, insurance, exceptions

Home-based processors, roasted coffee beans

Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board, establishment, duties, fund

Kentucky Main Street Program, small business development, honoring

Kentucky One-Stop Business Portal, Secretary of State, creation, maintenance

Minor employment, prohibitions

Minor employment, regulations, requirements

Poultry, exemptions, farmers, sales, farmers markets, farm

Poultry, exemptions, farmers, sales on farm, sales at farmers markets and roadside stands

Retail filling stations, zoning restrictions, prohibition

Securities and commodities, socially responsible criteria or nonfinancial objective, disclosure

Short-term rentals, authorization subject to permitting

Short-term rentals, deed restriction interpretation

State procurement, contracts, responsibility of bidder, determination

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)