Consolidated Local Governments

Alcoholic beverages, quota retail package licenses, limits

Annexation by cities in consolidated local government, restriction

Annexation by cities within

Autonomous vehicle, regulatory authority

Code enforcement officers, hazardous duty retirement

Consolidated local government council, mayoral review

Consolidated local government council, removal of study requirements

County road aid, project identification, factors

Destruction of firearms, law enforcement agencies

Elections, nonpartisan requirement for mayor and council

Employee access, federal tax information, Internal Revenue Service, source

Employees access, federal tax information, background check requirement

Entities having appointed officials, geographic and political representation

Hazardous waste facilities, environmental emergencies, notification of chief executive officer

Incorporation of cities within

Legislative council districts, reapportionment, boundary changes

Local ordinances and restrictions on firearms

Local ordinances on wages and benefits

Master commissioner's sale, counties with land bank authority, occupancy requirements, residential

Nonpartisan requirement for mayor and council

Omnibus revisions

Ordinances relating to landlord or tenant, restrictions

Ordinances relating to rental of housing, restriction

Ordinances relating to rental of housing, restrictions

Payments to KRS ch. 75 fire districts, CPI adjustment

Per diem rate, juvenile detention, method to set, establishment

Planned communities, receivership for maintenance failures

Planning and zoning relative to consolidated local governments, mayoral review

Planning and zoning, residential zoning classifications

Preemption of other regulations of short-term rentals

Property owners' associations, removal from bill

Property Valuation Review Commission, creation

Public employment, occupational license, application, criteria, exception

Referendum for nonpartisan mayor and council

Residency requirement, employee or volunteer of a fire department, prohibition

Solid waste management services, enforcement officers, hazardous duty retirement

State of occupancy requirements, master commissioner's sale, violation, fine

Taxes, license fees, and franchise taxes, authorization

Urban service tax district, phase-in of costs for providing services

Urban service tax districts, emergency medical service responses

Urban service tax districts, funding

Vacancies, special elections

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

West End Opportunity Partnership, successors, appointment

Zoning inspectors, hazardous duty retirement

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)