County Clerks

Absentee ballots, lists, procedure

Absentee ballots, records required, procedure

Absentee voting, qualification, convenience of the voter

Agricultural districts, minimum acreage requirements, notification of local officials, landowners

Agricultural land, affidavit, report to Kentucky Foreign Investment Review Board

Alternative minimum time of notice, warrants for forcible entry or detainer, notice

Ballots, straight ticket voting option, removal

Ballots, straight-ticket voting option, removal

Candidate filings, signature requirements

Candidate information, nomination, verification

Candidates, disqualification, regular election prohibition

Candidates, notification and declaration, oath, requirements

Certification of election results, procedures

Commercial dog breeders, licensure, fee

Consolidated local governments, referendum for nonpartisan mayor and council

Consolidation of precincts, procedure

Consolidation of precincts, procedure, date applied

Consolidation of precincts, vote center, requirement

Constitutional amendment, additional legislative days, date for adjournment, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, extension of calendar for sessions of General Assembly, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, felon restoration of voting rights and civil rights, ballot inclusion

Constitutional amendment, felon restoration of voting rights, ballot inclusion

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, eligibility of members, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, term limits of members, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, homestead exemption for owners 65 or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, local taxes, submit to voters for ratification or rejection

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, persons entitled to vote, non-citizen, prohibition, ballot inclusion

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homesteads of veterans and surviving spouses

Constitutional amendment, property tax homestead exemption, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, requirements to vote, ballot inclusion

Constitutional amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude, prohibition, ballot inclusion

Constitutional amendment, tax exemption or elimination, ballot language

County board of elections, appointed members, term

Driver licensing services, issuance by county clerks, fee retention

Duties, gender-neutral language

Election of statewide constitutional officers, even-numbered years

Election recount, procedure

Elections in consolidated local governments, nonpartisan requirement for mayor and council

Electric vehicle fees, retention

Eligibility to vote, proof of identification

Extension of lien secured by recorded deed, recording requirement

Hand-to-eye recounts, requirements

Hand-to-eye-recount, requirements

Heirs property research fund, fee increase

Independent school district board, election, establishment

Independent school districts, petition, election, establishment

In-person absentee voting, extension of time, 12 working days and two Saturdays preceding

Instruction permit, testing

Kentucky Board of Education, membership, partisan election, 2026

Legislative council districts, reapportionment, voter notice

Mail-in absentee ballots, requests, procedure

Mortgage amendments, renewals, modifications, and extensions, recording requirements

Motor carrier registration fees, county clerk allocation

Motor vehicle usage tax, active Armed Forces, credit

Motor vehicle valuation, property tax exemption, refunds

Motor vehicles, administrative requirements

Motor vehicles, registration, fees

No-excuse, in-person absentee, voting, elimination

No-excuse in-person absentee voting, requirements

Off-highway vehicles, titling and registration

Operator's license, application processing

Personalized and special license plates, fees

Personalized license plates, partial fee refund

Precinct lists, powers, duties

Precinct locations, date established

Proclamations, writs of election, forwarding date

Property forfeiture, lis pendens notice

Property tax rate levy, recall process

Property tax rate petition process, requirements

Property taxes, installment payment program

Proposed constitutional amendment, education costs

Proposed constitutional amendment, educational costs

Proposed constitutional amendment, right to a healthy environment, preservation

Ranked-choice voting, prohibition

Recall elections, local board of education

Recreational vehicles, personalized license plates

Redistricting, boundary changes, voter notice

Reimbursement increase, elections, fees

Special license plates, extra fees

Statewide offices, ballot position

Systems, instruction cards, education programs, requirements

Transfers of land, subdivision, recording of plat, requirement

Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act

Vacancies, special elections in consolidated local governments

Vote centers, elimination

Voter registration, comprehensive report, requirements

Voter registration, discrepancies, reporting

Voter registration, procedures, electronic access to voter registration records, restrictions

Voting equipment, video surveillance, disposal

Voting hours, extension

Voting systems, requirements

Voting tabulation equipment, testing

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)