Courts, District

Actions for forcible entry and detainer, expungement of records

Actions for forcible entry and detainer, sealing of records

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, prosecutions under KRS Chapter 620, consent requirement

Chief Justice's recommended Judicial Branch Budget

Child abuse or neglect investigation, parents' rights, agency's duty to advise

Child, best interest, factors for consideration

Children, alternatives to detention, establishment

Children, public offense, treatment plan, procedures, establishment

Children, status offender, escape charge, provision

Conditions of release, bail bonds, person subject to protective order, restrictions

Costs assessed, juror pay, increase

Court appointed counsel, fee cap, increase

Crisis aversion and rights retention order, petition, firearms prohibition

Disposition of tangible personal property at death, wills, written statement or list

Educational neglect, removal of child, surrender of public benefits

Extreme risk protection order, firearms prohibition, petition

Facial recognition technology, use as evidence, prohibition

Felony involving a firearm, age 15 or older, transfer from Circuit Court

Gender-neutral language, inclusion

Guardians ad litem, fee cap, increase

Guardianship proceedings, attorney, appointment

Harboring a vicious animal, incompetency to stand trial, hearing

Hearings for appointment of guardians or conservator, additional requirements

Human trafficking, criminal charges, expungement

Judicial Branch Budget

Jurisdiction for claims arising from Fish and Wildlife Resources-managed lands

Jury service, exemption, individuals age 70 or older

Keep Kentucky Free of Litter fund, additional $100 for littering convictions

Money bail, restriction to certain high-risk defendants

Name change for a minor, guidelines

Name change for a minor, hearing and guidelines

Name of deceased victim, posthumous change by family member

Order of protection, workplace violence, requirements, establishment

Orders of protection, conviction for qualifying offense, issuance, duration

Orders of protection, second or subsequent violation, Class D felony

Planning and zoning ordinance violations, creation of lien

Probate Code Task Force, establishment

Relative and fictive kin caregivers list, establishment

Residential rental property, forcible detainer, commencement of action

Risk protection orders, firearms prohibitions

Small claims division, jurisdictional threshold, increase

Termination of parental rights, consent form, jurisdiction

Termination of parental rights, voluntary and informed consent

Violence reduction program, participation as a condition of probation or parole

Youthful offender, offenses involving a firearm, Circuit Court transfer back to District Court

Youthful offender, offenses involving a frearm, Circuit Court transfer

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)