Domestic Relations

Abuse, violence, employment

Child support action, filing at time of conception

Child support action, residence of mother

Child support action, retroactive

Child support action, venue, residence of mother

Conditions of release, bail bonds, person subject to protective order, restrictions

Dissolution of marriage, disposition of assets, attempted murder

Dissolution of marriage, disposition of assets, violent felony against other spouse after filing

Dissolution of marriage, disposition of assets, violent felony offense against other spouse

Dissolution of marriage, disposition of assets, violent felony offense, limit on insurance

Dissolution of marriage, disposition of assets, whole life insurance

Dissolution of marriage, dispostion of assets, judicial discretion

Dissolution of marriage, felony against other spouse

Dissolution of marriage, insurance policy, felony against other spouse

Dissolution of marriage, retirement assets, felony against other spouse

Divorce, parties with minor children, 60-day waiting period, removal

Domestic Violence Awareness Month, recognition

Domestic violence orders, violation, criminal charges

Emergency protective orders, domestic violence orders, minors as parties

Gender-neutral language, inclusion

Interpersonal protective orders, minors as parties

Interpersonal protective orders, violation, criminal charges

Orders of protection, conviction for qualifying offense, issuance, duration

Orders of protection, second or subsequent violation, Class D felony

Parental rights, voluntary termination

Paternity, postnatal testing

Paternity, prenatal testing

Protected tenant, income tax credit for landlord

Rape crisis center and domestic violence shelter, contributions, income tax credit

Serious physical injury, definition, inclusion of certain relationships

Unemployment compensation, workers displaced by domestic violence, abuse, sexual assault, stalking

Uniform Collaborative Law Act

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)