Firefighters and Fire Departments

Annual supplement increase and CPI adjustment

Cancer screenings for firefighters

Chief's powers, gender-neutral language

Consolidated local governments, payments to KRS ch. 75 fire districts, CPI adjustment

Consolidated local governments, urban service tax districts, emergency service responses

County Employees Retirement, alternative benefit program for CERS members in hazardous positions

Emergency and fire districts, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection measure fees

Emergency response fee, restriction on payment

Estes, Chief Greg, 2023 Kentucky Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year, honoring

Fire chief, powers, gender-neutral language

Fire chiefs, gender-neutral language

Fire districts, service change, downgrade of fire service rating, hearing

Fire protection district board, salary increase

Firefighters Foundation Program fund, PFAS blood testing, voluntary reimbursement program

Louisville Fire Department, rescue squad, recognition

Nonprofit fire departments, fees charged to nonsubscribers for services rendered

Paid family leave insurance

Professional development and wellness program, rescue squad members, expansion

Residency requirement, employee or volunteer, prohibition

Retirement, Tier 2 benefits for KERS/CERS members in hazardous positions

Smoke detectors in existing residence at time of sale or lease, requirement

Smoke detectors in residence at time of sale or lease, requirement

Subscription departments, fees for accident response

Urban-county governments, employees of fire departments, reinstatement

Volunteer fire department, minimum number of six members

Volunteer firefighters, grant program

Volunteer firefighters, income tax credit

Volunteer firefighters, unemployment insurance, reimbursements, exclusion from wages

Whitt, Roy Franklin, memorializing

Workers' compensation, average weekly wage for volunteer firefighters

Workers' compensation, psychological injuries

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)