General Assembly

Actuarial analysis, additional requirements

Adjournment, 2024 Session until April 12, 2024

Adjournment, sine die

Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation, legislator membership

Article V convention to amend U.S. Constitution, oversight, removal of commissioners

Article V of Convention to amend U.S. Constitution, provisions

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicle Task Force, establishment

Artificial Intelligence Task Force, establishment

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, waiver

Campaign contributions, legislative agents, prohibition

Campaign funds, allowable expenditures, legal fees

Candidacy for House of Representatives, minimum age of 18, proposed constitutional amendment

Cannabis, regulation

Constitutional amendment, ballot initiatives, establishment of right of the people to propose

Constitutional amendments, substance, preparation

Corrections impact statements, additional requirements

Date for adjournment, alternative establishment

Dates for adjournment, elimination of existing dates

Department for Medicaid Services, program coverage, administrative regulation nullification

Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission, Senate confirmation of appointments, deadline

Eligibility of members, proposed constitutional amendment

Facial recognition technology, use as evidence before legislative committee, prohibition

Federal laws and regulations, right to nullify unconstitutional acts

Governor of Texas, support

Gubernatorial appointees, Senate confirmation, requirement

Harper Angel, Senator Denise, retirement, honoring

Historic Properties Advisory Commission, permanent art in Capitol Rotunda, legislative approval

Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation

Hospital, acquistion by University of Kentucky or University of Louisville, approval

House of Representatives, a committee to wait upon the Governor

House of Representatives, membership

House of Representatives, Rules, adoption

House of Representatives, Rules, amendment

House, pastors, invitation

Infant Mortality Task Force, establishment

Interference with a legislative proceeding in the first degree, Class A misdemeanor

Interference with a legislative proceeding in the second degree, Class B misdemeanor

International organizations, mandates, prohibition

Jail construction, moratorium without General Assembly approval

Jail construction, prohibition without General Assembly approval

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, board members, confirmation

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development advisory board, additional legislative members

Kentucky's sovereignty, reaffirm

Legislation, mandated health benefit, fiscal impact statements

Legislative Branch Budget

Legislative days, additional, provision

Legislative ethics, alleged violations, complaint and initial determination procedure

Legislative Ethics Commission, advisory opinions, procedure

Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee, technical correction

LRC Director's recommended Legislative Branch Budget

Mandated health benefit, fiscal impact statement, additional requirements

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, establishment

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, non-legislative members, increase

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee, establishment

Member compensation

Member compensation, procedures

Member travel reimbursement, Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rate

National Conference of State Legislatures, 50th anniversary, recognition

National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, passage by United States Congress, urging

New State Capitol and Capitol Annex, public areas, usage

New State Capitol, permanent display of statues, monuments, and other art, legislative approval

Nullification, administrative regulation, social workers

Opening prayer

Postsecondary public institutions, antisemitism, prohibit funding

Prefiling of bills, establishment

Probate Code Task Force, establishment

Public-private partnerships, capital projects, date change

Red Flag legislation, opposition

Redistricting, Citizens Redistricting Commission, permanent independent commission

Reed, Representative Brandon, retirement, honoring

Reports mandated, Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue, reports mandated

Schickel, Senator John, retirement, honoring

Senate, committee to wait upon the Governor

Senate, membership

Senate, pastors, invitation

Senate, Rules, adoption

Senate, Rules, amendment

Statutes, rules of construction, establishment

Statutory enactments, temporary orders or injunctions, policy, statement

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) Task Force, creation

Swann, Representative Lamin, memorializing

Tax exemption or elimination authority, proposed constitutional amendment

Tax Expenditure and Economic Development Incentive Review Board, establishment, duties

Terms of members, limit

Thayer, Senator Damon, retirement, honoring

Westerfield, Senator Whitney H., honoring

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)