Highways, Streets, and Bridges

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicle Task Force, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program establishment

Automated speed enforcement, recorded images, retention and use

Autonomous vehicles, task force, establishment

Biennial Highway Construction Plan, FY 2024-2026

Capital Avenue, road closure, prohibition

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

County road aid, consolidated local governments, project identification, factors

Governor's recommended Biennial Highway Construction Plan, FY 2024-2026

Governor's recommended Transportation Cabinet Budget

Highway work zones, traffic offenses, worker present, requirement

Limited minor's farm operator's license, procedures

Low-speed vehicles, safety standards

Motor vehicle racing event, state-maintained highways

Move over law, disabled vehicles

Off-highway vehicles, local government, pilot program

Off-highway vehicles, titling and registration

Overweight and overdimensional permits, fees

Real estate professionals, Department of Highways, right of way services

Road salt usage, study

Speed limit increase, Transportation Cabinet study

State, county, and city roadways and bridges, lease of naming rights

Traffic control signal monitoring system, violation of KRS 189.231, civil penalty

Transportation Cabinet Budget

Transportation Cabinet, Governor's six-year road plan, last four years

Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, county priority projects

Transportation Cabinet, Six-year road plan, last four years

Transportation Cabinet, Six-year Road plan, last four years

Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, last four years

Truck tractor, trailer, semitrailer, overtaking, lane usage

Vehicles, windshields, sunscreening materials

Wheels, rubber covering, requirement

Work zones, definition

Work zones, safety restrictions, violations

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)