Loans and Credit

Business loans, Economic Development Finance Authority, preference for veteran-owned businesses

Consumer reporting agencies, trigger lead requirements

Deferred deposit transactions, requirements

Earned wage advance transactions, maximum consideration

Eminent domain, compensation for relocation, discount points

Entity making qualified equity investment, New Markets Development Program tax credit

Extension of lien secured by recorded mortgage, requirements

Fair Credit Reporting Act, trigger leads, urging amendment

Kentucky WWATERS Program, public wastewater systems, loan awards, timing requirements

Kentucky WWATERS Program, public water and wastewater systems, loans, eligibility, application

Mortgage amendments, renewals, modifications, and extensions, recording requirements

Mortgage loan companies and brokers, application and annual assessment fees

Mortgage loan companies and brokers, change of control, technical amendments

Social credit score, prohibition

Uniform Commercial Code, emerging technology amendments

WWATERS Program, public water and wastewater systems, authorized types of funding, grants, loans

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)