Probation and Parole

Crimes committed with illegal firearms

Death penalty, replacement with life imprisonment without parole

Drug overdose, person seeking help, arrest or probation or parole revocation, prohibition

Eligibility, offenses involving a firearm, limit

Evidence-based programs, requirement

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Parole Board, confirmation, Christopher Lee Deglow

Parole Board, confirmation, Leigh Ann Wiggins

Parole Board, grant of parole, requirement

Postincarceration supervision, attempted sex crimes

Postincarceration supervision, child pornography offenses

Postincarceration supervision, conviction for child pornography offenses

Postincarceration supervision, human trafficking

Report, offenders who commit new offenses, requirement

Sale of alcoholic beverages to underage persons, eligibility, limitation

Sentencing, consecutive indefinite terms of imprisonment, extended term, circumstances allowing

Sex crime, participation in medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment

Specialized treatment program for violent offenders, completion prior to parole

State/Executive Branch Budget

Violence reduction program, participation as a condition of probation or parole

Violent offender, add qualifying offenses

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)