Secretary of State

Absentee ballot lists, procedure

Absentee ballots, records required, procedure

Absentee voting, qualification, convenience of the voter

Application for an Article V convention, transmission

Application for Article V Convention, distribution of copies

Article V Convention to amend U.S. Constitution, collection of commissions and oaths

Articles of incorporation, banks and trust companies, requirements

Authorized products retailers database, tobacco noncompliance database and reporting system

Ballots, straight ticket voting option, removal

Ballots, straight-ticket voting option, removal

Candidate filings, reapportionment and precinct establishment, qualifications

Candidate filings, signature requirements

Candidate information, nomination, verification

Candidates, disqualification, regular election prohibition

Candidates, notification and declaration, oath, requirements

Candidates, slates of candidates, certification, date

Certification of election results, procedures

Citizens Redistricting Commission, commissioners, selection

Citizens Redistricting Commission, selection of commissioners, applications, publication of plans

Consolidation of precincts, vote center, requirement

Constitutional amendment, additional legislative days, date for adjournment, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, ballot initiatives, establishment of right of the people to propose

Constitutional amendment, extension of calendar for sessions of General Assembly, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, eligibility of members, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, homestead exemption for owners 65 or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, local taxes, submit to voters for ratification or rejection

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, persons entitled to vote, non-citizen, prohibition, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homesteads of veterans and surviving spouses

Constitutional amendment, property tax homestead exemption, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, requirements to vote, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, restoration of voting rights for felons, automatic, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, restoration of voting rights for felons, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude, prohibition, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, tax exemption or elimination, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, term limits of members, ballot language

Constitutional amendments, ballot question, certification date

Election recount, procedure

Eligibility to vote, proof of identification

Emergency, powers and duties, restrictions

General Assembly, constitutional amendments, substance, preparation

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Grant database, creation, administration

Hand-to-eye recount, random selection, requirements

In-person absentee voting, extension of time, 12 working days and two Saturdays preceding

Judicial candidates, ballot requirements, form of name

Judicial candidates, vacancy in office, procedure

Kentucky Board of Education, partisan election, 2026

Kentucky One-Stop Business Portal, Secretary of State, creation, maintenance

Military-overseas ballot, federal write-in absentee ballot, inform

President and Vice President, electors, meeting location, date

Presidential election by national popular vote, compact

Proclamations, writs of election, forwarding date

Proposed constitutional amendment, education costs outside public schools

Proposed constitutional amendment, educational costs outside public schools

Proposed constitutional amendment, right to a healthy environment, preservation

Safe at Home program, language

State Board of Elections, voter list maintenance, agreements

State/Executive Branch Budget

Statewide offices, ballot position, determination

Systems, instruction cards, education programs, requirements

Time of election, even-numbered years

Tobacco and related products, sale and distribution, enforcement

Voter registration, comprehensive report, requirements

Voting hours, extension

Voting locations, precinct consolidation, amendment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)