Special Purpose Governmental Entities

Children's early learning services taxing districts, authorization to establish

Emergency and fire districts, distilled spirits warehouses, fire protection measure fees

Financial reporting, requirements

Local property tax, motor vehicle exemption

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, subject to inspection for violation

Property tax rate levy, recall process

Property tax rate levy, recall vote, next regular election

Public agencies, open meeting compliance, voidable actions

Public funds, use in lobbying, prohibition

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Soil and water conservation supervisors, immunity for official acts

Taxes, license fees, and franchise taxes, authorization

Watershed conservancy district boards, discontinuance, procedure, consequences

Watershed conservancy district directors, immunity for official acts

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)